one two three four

So orginally, my thoughts for one two three four were that I would either list four things that tickle my fancy, four wishes or four things I am grateful for. So far, I've done minimal appreciating. So here are some things I am grateful for:

My health, for taking me this far with no major obstacles.
My friend Ian, for constantly reminding me that I am too hard on myself and that no one is perfect.
My friend Mari, for always putting a smile on my face and for not giving up on me and my neuroses.
Lastly, my Macbook, for providing me with endless hours of entertainment and knowledge.

{The rocky Victorian shore after sunrise this morning.}

Now for some weekend links:

Badass photo tour of Brisbane.
Another gorgeous dance video.
I'm really excited for this coffee table book to come out... Oh, the inspiration!
World's weirdest hotels.
My to-do for the weekend. YUM!

Have a marvelous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Lime coconut cake?!? YUM! And I NEED that book! Your images (and your blog) are so lovely!


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