Love this house tour!
Scary statistics.
Indulge in cuteness overload.
A new favorite - My Life As Liz is real fresh!
Lovely stationery.
Also: should note that today is the beginning of my 101. So far am doing okay. I have just gone through a pretty rigid and arduous semi-elimination of sugar! OUCH. Let me tell you, I had no idea what an addict I was until I reduced my sugar intake. I am living at my aunts, who is an excellent cook and is inspiringly diligent in her food choices. So I sort of unknowingly cut it out and was exhausted for about a week! It's unbelievable how much it affected me all this time, how dependent i was... Jeez Louise! Am pleased to say the effects have run their course and am now quasi sugarless, aside from my very own first ice cream today, and amazingly I survived Easter without bingeing on the available easter eggs. So cheers to that!
Speaking of which, am still boozeless! As for the rest, well, we'll see!
What a great post idea! i might have to copy it one day for my blog.