one two three four

{Blackberries are the best}

{Got to sample all sorts of beer while visiting with friends here}

{Found some new-old jars that will imminently contain spices @ Value Village}

{Saying good-bye to ye ol' Mighty Opes was harder than I expected!}

I was so exhausted this week with all the travelling and seeing family, it was like I needed a vacation from the vacation! So I took it easy. Did laundry, ran errands, caught up on bills, etc, which was exhausting even if I was taken 'er easy. I am going to hit the ground running next week on the job hunt-front. I'd love to work with kids, so we'll see. 

Here are some things I came across and loved on the www this week:

I just want to live in these pictures.

How much do you wish you were besties with this gal and invited to this BBQ?

Even though I have a huge girl-crush on the designers, don't these look like your hangover clothes? The clothes you wear at home because they are so comfortable but you don't necessarily want anyone to see you in them?

Cute blog!

I'm intriqued... Avacado Smoothie. Ever tried it?

Love this look, from head to toe.

Oh yeah, and a PSA: Go see Bridesmaids with your girls. Very funny.

Have a great weekend y'all!

Image Credits: Me, Me, Me, Oprah Show via here


  1. The photo of those blackberries has got me craving pie! Gorgeous.

  2. Lovely photos!

  3. Hello,

    Just wanted to leave you a note and thank you for the lovely comment that you left for me the other day re: Ottavio —it looks like quite a lovely spot to visit —do let me know how you like it if you stop by :)

    Enjoy the weekend,

  4. Cute pictures! i really like the dress that Oprah wore.


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    My Fair Lady Boutique

  5. Well, I'm not an Oprah follower. However, the photos on this post (and the rest of your blog), are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


  6. thanks hunni for such a sweet comment! totally made my day <3


  7. i love the photos!!

    stop by sometime<3


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