a note to visitors

Welcome and thank you for stopping by! I appreciate your interest. I really do.

I wanted to let you know (and apologize in advance) that I will be slowing down here a bit. I've become a little overwhelmed with the feeling that I need to post something everyday, and that it has to be original, insightful, etc. I worry that I will just be posting whatever and that quality of the content will diminish over time. I work two jobs (blogging is not one of them), volunteer twice a week and have found little time to myself. This blog was a tool for me to carve out some time for myself and my musings but I think the purpose has swayed a bit. I realize I turned it into a pretty machine, thinking that I need to post photos pleasing to the eye in order to keep your interest.

What I wish for this blog is to be inspired and authentic. Therefore, I'll be posting less often, but better (hopefully). Starting Monday, I am aiming for 3 posts a week of the same genre.

Thanks again checking out my wee lil blog, I hope you keep coming back. I can't even tell you how elating it is when I get a new follower or a comment from a fellow blogger. Thanks.


Image Credits: Miss Dior Chérie advert found here.


  1. I know what you mean about feeling pressured to post everday! Don't worry about it. Quality over quantity.

    xo Katie


  2. i totally agree with katie... slow down if u have to...no one wants to read a crappy post... they rather not read an7ything at all..adn u shud tc of urself and live life too..i felt the same way but then i slowed down ..now i post only 2-3 times a week, but they r good quality posts and much more appreciated... good luck hunny... all ur readers will still be here even if u dont post everyday...this shud always be fun for u first, then fun for others



  3. Bravo! I think what you are doing is awesome. Our blogs shouldn't be the center of our lives. We need to get back to reality!

    I recently wrote a similar post here: http://hecallsmewifey.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-blog-because.html

  4. i just love your blog.your posts are too much perfect..and i love the falling stars all blog long..concrats!!!
    Follow us and we would love to follow you too..Keep blogging honey!!!
    yours fashionably,


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