I couldn't very well not post something on the untimely death of the staggering genius. It's funny, I always thought his shows were absorbingly innovative, entertaining, and altogether anti-establishment. His clothes were for the most part not wearable, but it's couture. It's there as an art form, to be appreciated and worn solely daily by Gaga. I don't think there's anything I could say that would be worth saying on the matter, aside from this: it is a great loss. Instead I've compiled quotes, photos of my favorite designs, and a rare interview of McQueen (known as Lee by his peers) by Canada's own Jeanne Beker from FTV.

"He was talented well beyond his years and the seriousness and unrivaled talent which he applied to his works is in bountiful display year after year and collection after collection. [...]. Every single inspired, original, lofty, whimsical, stunning, brilliant and jaw dropping detail was Alexander McQueen. There has never been anyone like him. And there simply never will be." - Sarah Jessica Parker.

"Everyone lucky enough to have been invited to his shows from the beginning of his career—as I was—is eternally indebted to Alexander McQueen for immersing us in experiences that have burned themselves on our memories for life. From his earliest days in London—on virtually no budget except what could be raised in sponsorship—he made the near-impossible happen before our very eyes. Walk in and sit down, and the sights that unfolded would hit your brain in such a visceral way that it knocked the breath out of you, sent adrenaline streaming through your veins and chills shooting up your spine. [...] For me, the truly unique and indelible side of Lee McQueen’s talent is what he did with his shows—transforming production, with the help of music-video producer Sam Gainsbury, from being a boring old formulaic trot up and down a runway into an experience that went beyond fashion into the realms of a theatrical, emotional, psychological assault." - Sarah Mower at Style.com

“There is something sinister, something quite biographical about what I do—but that part is for me. It’s my personal business. I think there is a lot of romance, melancholy. There’s a sadness to it, but there’s romance in sadness. I suppose I am a very melancholy person.” - Alexander McQueen

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